19th April 2012 in Durban - Afternoon Class
‘Auric Hygiene’ is the understanding that events happen in your energy system before they physically manifest. Your Aura is an energy field that become less and less physically dense as it moves away from the body – however as this happens it becomes more sensitive to disturbances outside the normal conscious mind or space/time. Learn how the physical body interacts with the more subtle elements of yourself through the endocrine system. Get an introduction to the dynamics of the physical body that allow it be a receiver, transmitter and transducer of information not only from one person to the next but from one time to another.
Learn about the scientific basis of your Energy Field (Aura), Energy Vessels (Meridians and Nadis), Energy Centres (Chakras), The Energy Matrix (Quantum Vacuum/Zero Point Field), and how Information is communicated through these structures (Torsion fields and Scalar Waves).
Realise that you are the Master of your own energy system and no one can take anything from you unless you permit them. Take responsibility for your leaking energy and regain vibrancy. We will also be working with and interacting with crystals – please bring some with you to the workshop.