Sunday, January 29, 2012

Your Moments with Mark

Personal & Spiritual Well being
By Mark Abadi
Podcast Description
A series of self expansive conscious recordings by Mark Abadi on some of life's best questions and topics. Exploring the Human condition in a brief moment of time. Blending art and science of spirituality together to form a synergy of conscious exploration.

Please click on the title to view the Podcast.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Transforming Consciousness - Embracing being

24th & 25th March 2012 in Durban

‘It is the uncomfortable duty of the Ego to let go of the Ego’

Over this transformational weekend you will be undone and re-made, this is only for those brave who want to move beyond mere reactive behaviour. Who are you and how can you allow yourself to move beyond yourself? As Einstein said “you can’t solve the problem with the same tools that created it” As such we need to use the personality (your ego) to move it to its own edge then float off into the abyss.

Everything you know is an illusion of duality (two things). Through no fault of your own, you cannot, as a Human imagine anything that is alone without a comparison. Your very personality is made up of these comparisons and borders. We hold onto these so we can have a state of stability within our world; however there is a part of you that exists in the oneness. This part has no two (me and not me) it is just you – without an edge. You can experience this and in doing so experience God, within yourself. This is not in any way a religious experience but an actual BEING. You will then engage in uniquely designed exercises by Mark who will facilitate your transition and self reflection.

Realise that your defined self is a major force that attracts things towards you that fit with your version of reality – change that version and you change your reality – The power of Attraction (as talked about in The Secret) but with your emotional and physical health.

Who do you think you are?

12th April 2012 in Durban

This workshop is a deep exploration of the philosophy of consciousness and the formation of personality. Investigating the origins of thoughts and beliefs. It is a fantastic and necessary foundation for translating and explaining any ‘beyond mind’ realisations that have been had during meditation or other activities. Exploring the limits and boundaries of consciousness. Where did you come from? Where does your identity exist and does it ever change? Or is it a matter of our perspective that changes? Who are you? What are your masculine and feminine sides and what is a balanced form of them? Is this Universe a projection from within your being creating an outside existence? How and why do people entrain with each other? What is really going on behind the scenes? Find out!

Psycharmonics - Letting go of habits by accepting them

19th April 2012 in Durban - Half day (morning)

Psycharmonics is the Mental Yoga of Self Awareness and a ¼ version of the extended workshop ‘Transcending Your Archetypal Type’. Most people are hooked (without knowing) to their own memories and emotional experience and use these to guide your behaviours and feelings throughout life.

Often these can lead you into cycles of habitual behaviour that return you to patterns of behaviour that are neither pleasant nor do they serve your well being and nourishment. It is in the awareness of one’s own hooks that true freedom can be found. It is by learning how to identify these hooks that you can embrace them (not reject them) and allow yourself to gain freedom from them. Together we will explore the scientific basis of this, along with the psychological reason why it might be present. Through identifying patterns we will see if they are serving us or preventing us from moving forward.

Conscious Parenting - Our Children are our evolution

17th April 2012 in Durban - Half day (morning)

Our children are the evolution of ourselves. Everything that we have left ‘unlived’ in our lives gets passed to them until someone is brave enough to live the issue. By ‘living it’ I mean embracing the truth and feeling the full pain of the issue, until there is nothing remaining to feel. Many parents believe that if their children don’t directly observe their issue then it has no influence on them. They continue to hide the truth from their children believing they are protecting them, saving them from the pain, but in actual fact they are setting up a pattern that will return to the child later in life.

Everything we do, speak and more importantly feel inside is read by our children and absorbed into their unconscious and subconscious minds. Choosing to affirm positive support is key. Being aware of conflicting messages is vital. The language you use embeds minute messages within it that reveals the truth behind your actual feelings. If you present mixed messages children become stressed and confused and repeat those patterns of expression. Learn about being aware enough and holding enough respect for your ‘evolution’ to be honest and true. This will enable your children to acquire a greater degree of balance.

Holistic Psychappressure - Therapists Only

14th & 15th April 2012 in Durban

Psychappressure - A holistic integration technique for complete transformation (Therapists Only)

This is the first time Mark has taught his Holistic technique to others. This therapy is more of a mode of integration and instinct driven psychological and physiological movements then a structure of actions. This set of techniques supports the release of stored memories within the psychological, energetic and cellular living matrix.

You can use the person needing healing to heal themselves. It is simply a very holistic approach. First you need to perform a detailed questionnaire analysis on the client, exploring how, when and where they feel certain emotions and problems, looking at all aspects of their life. You need to become aware of what their body tells you and their movements when certain topics arise so that you can stimulate them further. The point of this enquiry process is to get their emotional states ‘primed’ so that they rise to the surface of the present body (both physical and mental).

Once you have primed the person sufficiently, you then engage in a series of physical acupressure release techniques, blending deep tissue with energy medicine pulsations to dissociate the attached primed emotional anchors. All the time a space of complete unconditional acceptance is maintained and you might move within the physical treatment from a deep tissue pressure to a soft gentle lymphatic based stroking. You might find yourself speaking to parts of their system, their personality, their unconscious mind, too quiet for the conscious mind to even hear. Your clients might have releases, tears, pain and/or physical spasms as you work. You will use your instincts (or innate) to ‘dance’ with their current manifestation and help them breathe through the pains (emotional or physical) that come up during the therapy session. Each client session should last between 90 and 120 minutes.

Based on the universal understanding that the best healer is the client themselves, a large majority of this treatment is a reflective process that sets up standing wave communication within the client’s own body, helping them help themselves. This approach utilises ‘the moment’, removing consciousness from the illusion journey into time and encouraging reflection of the moment to the consciousness. In so doing there is an opportunity presented to allow the consciousness to release habit responses. It is so simple that it needs a great deal of practice to stop ‘trying to do’ and to start ‘just being’!